My Chosen Music Video Genre

My Chosen Music Video Genre

I have selected Pop to be my music video genre.
Pop music originates from the United States and the United Kingdom in the 1950s. This genre is a mainstream genre that many listen to as it is popular and trendy, these pop songs usually receive the most hits, sell the most copies and feature on the radio and television.
Due to this it targets a wide age group from 13-21, generally associated with teenage girls and the social demographic is working class teenage, who are usually students.  I first selected this genre as it was the most popular choice amongst my age group, this will allow me to develop my ideas and have the ability to ask potential viewers of my videos what they want to see in my music video, allowing me to create a video that entice the pop music target group. 

Examples of Pop Music Videos:

Here are a few examples of Pop Music Videos: 

Mise En Scene
Pop music videos also contains certain conventions to make the music video popular and trendy. The convention refers to the Mise en scene of the video, which depends on the lighting, costume, location, hair, make up and the main colour of the video. 
 First the videos usually have bright and eye-catching colours and lighting, this was a reason why i chose to create a pop music video as I want to experiment with different colours of different shots to allow me to improve my camera and editing techniques, but I also want to create a video that may not follow the conventions by creating a darker video. This is too make my video unique amongst other pop music videos, which may then entice audiences, but to also allow my visuals to create a deep and meaningful story about a serious topic such as child abuse, bulling or oppression. 
The usual pop music videos contain props such as cars, phones, headphones and other electronic devices that are used to allow the video to generate money from advertisement, I also chose this genre as I think it would be great to experiment with prop setting, this could allow me to bring deeper meanings into the video, For example if I were to continue with the darker and more serious themes such as child abuse, I could include toys like teddy bears to suggest to the audience that any aged child can go through the suffering and to also suggest the youthful age of my actor or actress. 
Actors and actresses usually dress in trend clothes within the video, this would be a great way to express my characters and really experiment with the costumes, as costumes do play a key role in setting the scene for the characters. For example, you can imply the age and wealth of a character to the audience just by the clothes that they were, not only that you can change the era of the video just by using clothing and props from a certain year.
Artist often tend to select the setting for the music video base on their target audiences and were they may want to go. This is another reason why I believe this genre suits me as I do travel quite a lot i may be able to film shots in different areas, this would allow to entice more audience members as they may want to see different areas to make it the video more interesting to watch.


Editing in current pop music videos usually depends on the song that is selected, as they tempo and lyrics of the song needs to match the visuals and the edited tempo of the music video.  This would be a great way to develop my editing skills to allow me to try and create a video that matches seamlessly with the song that I will select. By using the editing, I can cut shots together to allow my video to flow with the beat of the music and create a visually appealing music video. 
Pop music videos also use tint, filters and fades to help add colour to make it more eye-catching, exciting and attractive to the audience viewing he video, fades are used to take the colour away from the shot setting a moody tone and a darker atmosphere to the video. I wanted to create a pop music video as all many pop music videos use these editing skills with their visuals, by having both the opportunity to add colour and to set a moody tone without it allows me to have a wider choice on the story I create in my visuals as I could create an upbeat and exciting video and use the filter to add a colour and light or I could create a video which has a more serious story line to it. 
Lastly, shots in a usually music video constantly change as most of the videos have a narrative performance, in order to follow and execute a story line. This was one of the main reasons I selected the pop music genre as the I will be able to create a story with the visuals, I also have the chance to create any story, both happy and sad. This is because there are so many pop songs that are upbeat and the lyrics about partying or having fun with your friends, this would allow me to create a happy video, but there are also other pop songs that are more serious and about wider issues, for examples Shawn Medes 'Treat You Better' video was about relationship abuse. These more serious songs allow me to create a more serious music video. 

Camera Angles and Shot Types

These are the most common camera angles and shots used in pop music videos, these shot I could use in my video to develop my filming skills and create a aesthetically pleasing video, that will be watched by many:
Eye level shots – this is the most common angle used in pop music videos, this is where the camera shows the subject how we would see them at our eye-level. These shots make the video more realistic as it feels like the viewer is actually there watching the subject.
Close up shots– this is where the shot will consist of an individual taking up the majority of the frame, these shots are used as it is the best way to promote the artists.
Medium shots – this shot is composed of the subject from the waist above, these shots show the artist as well as the background images.


To conclude I selected the genre for many reasons such as the use of editing, mise en scene and camera angles. These reasons will allow me to be able to create a video that the visuals will match the song that I select, they will also allow me to create an aesthetically pleasing and intriguing video with a story line too. 


  1. Great work here Lauren. As an improvement, could you try and look at stats which support/show how many people watch pop music videos? What age group etc...?

  2. From further research I have found out that the pop music genre is extremely popular in the UK, according to Statistic in 2016 pop music was the most popular music genre in the UK, accounting for nearly 34 percent of singles sold and streamed. Rock music was the second most popular music genre with a share of 22.6 percent, while only 0.2 percent of singles that were sold and streamed in 2016 were jazz.


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