Inspiration Ideas on Music Video Techniques

Inspirational Ideas 

I have created a video that contains clips from the latest pop music videos, all of which inspire me in some way. For example, some clips inspire me for specific reason or elements such as the lighting, the editing, costume, make up, setting, themes, camera angles and shots.

After researching the different music video, I selected the best clips that inspired me in different ways:


I selected many different clips that inspired me with the use of the lighting. 
I first selected 'Wait' by Maroon 5. In the introduction scene they use a red neon cross to light a dim lit room. This casts a red glow across the room creating an eye-catching and vibrant scene, they also use a blue lens flare which contrast with the red neon cross. This makes the video more vibrant, this intrigues the audience to watch the video.
I then selected the first clip, 'End Game' by Taylor Swift. This video is based in exotic location such as Malibu and London, the first scene you are able to see the London skyline in the night, I liked the lighting as you are able to see the bright lights of the city, the red lights of the London Eye is bright against the dark back drop, this intrigues the viewers to watch the video. Not only that a blue tint is used to create a contrast to the lights and the red skyline, making the red lights more eye-catching. 
The 'Feel It Still' video, by Portugal. The Man, uses many different coloured tints of lighting such as purple and red tints, this created an eye-catching and vibrant video attracting the viewers. Not only that the video uses reflections on the guitar and the artists face, this creates a double exposure effect, making the simple shots seem more fun, exciting and funky! 
'The Middle' video uses stage lighting that is programmed with the music, this creates a vibrant colour theme and attracts the viewers to watch the video, the lighting makes the video interesting and captivating to watch. 

I then selected videos that used creative editing skills to make the video run smoothly and is aesthetically pleasing to watch. 
I first selected the 'Him & I' video by Halsey and G-Eazy, they used a filter to make it seem that the video was filmed on an old video camera, this gives it a retro look to the picture. This retro look gives the  video more individuality as most music videos now-a-days use high definition cameras, by using this filter it may attract more viewers as it is more unique.
The next video I used  was a small clip form 'How Deep Is Your Love' by Calvin Harris, they edited the shots together to create layering of the coloured images, this colour was added presumably with gels. This coloured and effect creates a unique and fun visual that matches the pop theme of the song, enticing the audiences. 
I then loved the editing skills of 'The Girl Is Mine', this video was filmed by the many start waling backwards while everyone completes different tasks in the background of the video, the video then was edited and played forward, making it seem as if the everyone is going backwards and  the star is the only one waling forward. 
This effects suggest to the audience that he feels out of place in the world as he is the only one traveling the same way, the video is then about the many searching for acceptance in this backwards society. 
The last video was 'Breezeblocks' this video was similar to the one previous as it was also edited backwards, as you can see the glass breaks and then fixes itself. The video is amazing as it really intrigues the viewer as you have to watch the whole video to understand the story line, this is because the video starts off with a dead girl in a bath tub with a breeze block on her chest, this makes the viewer curious about how the girl died, and as the video travels backwards you have to watch it all to find out who the killer was and how it happens. 

Costume and Make-Up:

I selected videos that had simple costumes and natural make-up, this is because I think that the videos with everyday clothes, accessories and make-up looks more natural and realistic for the viewer. 
I first selected Dua Lipas music video 'New Rules', this is because the clothes are simple and eye-catching, the colours entice viewers to watch the video and the simplicity and every-day look of the clothes makes the viewers believe the video is more realistic suggesting to the viewers that they are able to be a part of the video and makes them feel like they are there with the artist. Not only that the make-up of the video is also very natural, this again creates an every-day vibe of the video and entice the public to watch it as the video is more realistic. 
I then selected 'Let Me Go' by Hailee Seinfeld, within the vide her make-up, hair and clothing is very simple again creating a more realist story, enticing the viewers. Not only that the clothes are also very fashionable and  summery, this also entices the viewers as they want to look at the clothes and may want to purchase something similar because it looks fashionable and fresh. 
I also used the 'Strangers' video as she wears animal make-up, which doesn't distract the viewers from the clothes and the surroundings of the video, it also again makes the video more realistic and reliable as the clothes and make-up is very natural and creates an effortless and simple look. The clothes that she also wears are bright and colourful, making the video more eye-catching and vibrant, enticing the viewers as it is colourful. 
'Why' was selected for different reasons as the clothes that she wears are simple but they are darker, making her face, hair and the background of the video, this makes the video look really relaxed and simple. This may entice viewers as the video has different scenes involving New York City and create a very relatable scene of the city, making the viewers feel more connected with the video as they feel that the video is based in an area near them. 
The last video was 'Most Girls' this was selected for the clothing, as in the shot she used a number of different women all wore graphic t-shirts that had printed different empowering words on them such as unstoppable, committed, power and fierce. this creates an empowering visual that links to the lyrics of the song, that creates an anthem that celebrates women different tastes, their uniquely beautiful personalities and how all women are filled with the potential. This entices the female viewers as it is empowering and creates a theme of feminism and that they are able to do anything if they put their minds to it and that all their personalities, looks and flaws are amazing.


I selected videos that had eye-catching and enticing locations as this would entice more viewers to watch the video. 
I first selected a clip from 'Perfect Places' by Lorde, the first scene is set on a beautiful beach, by using this location it entices viewers to watch the video as they desire to go to places like that and by watching the video they can imagine they are actually there. 
The next clips from 'Malibu' and 'Let Me Go' were also filmed in exotic and picturesque locations such as waterfalls, beaches and sunny fields. This setting creates a desire for the viewers as it makes them want to travel to these locations and have a fun and relaxing time, this may have enticed more viewers to watch as they want to imagine that they are also at these locations. 

I selected videos that were linked to different themes about life such as bullying and empowerment.
I selected the video 'Don't kill My Vibe' by Sigrid, this video show she artist singing the lyrics, this allows the audience to focus on the words of the song. The song is an anthem for the artist to 'throw shade at the haters' and empowers the listens to rise above all the hate and bullying, to allows those to remain a better person, so that nothing gets in the way of your love and happiness. 
The 'Most Girls' video creates a female empowerment anthem, as the artist dresses in a number of different clothes to express that all women are amazing even though they are all different. The context of this song is based on the phrase 'you aren't like most girls', this phrase carries much negativity as is suggests that 'most girls' are 'less', this phrase is meant as a complement but in general it is an insult to all other women. Soon the phrase turns positive as the artist shows with the outfits that some girls follow trends and stereotypes like not playing sport and others don't follow these trends and stereotypes, then suggesting that neither one of the girls are   'less' but are amazing individuals. 
The last song was 'Praying' by Kesha, this video has many meanings that are all based upon rising up and getting back the power from those who are putting you down, the video shows many views of sunsets suggesting the brighter tomorrow, suggesting the theme of hope in the darkness and that no matter what you can rise and become more powerful than ever. 
These themes are all empowering, attracting the viewers as they enjoy the story line and the feeling the videos give them, as it empowers them to be a better person. Not only that it may attract viewers who are going through similar situations and need the power and confidence to rise above. 


I selected video clips that used camera angles, shots and effects that would entice the public to watch the music video. 
I first select the clip from 'Don't Kill My Vibe' by Sigrid, this is because the camera angles move from high to low and oblique angles are used. This creates a freer flowing vibe and created a faster pace visual, matching with the speed of the song, not only that short shots are used again creating that faster pace. These camera effects create unique visuals that entice the audience to watch the video as most music videos use long and medium shots as well as eye-level camera angles to ensure that the artist is captured in the film. 
The next video I liked was 'Let Me Go', this video is filmed within first person perspective, this is extremely unique as most videos uses normal shots so that the settings and artists are seen. By using the first person shot the viewer feels like they are a part of the video as they are watching as if from their own eyes, this makes the video entice more viewers as they feel like they are a part of the journey that they music video is following. 
Lastly I used the first scene from the music video 'Strangers' by Sigrid, this video uses tracking shots as the camera follows the artist around, this allows the viewers to follow the artist and feel more involved in the video as it makes them feel as though they are a part of the action. Not only that they also use illusions within the video as it seems that the artist is relaxing on a beach in the sun, until the camera pans out we see that she is located in a studio, this entices the viewers as they want to watch the whole music video to spot other illusions and see were the artist travels to next.

To conclude, for the research I completed I have decided that I want to use bright and colourful lighting making my video look vibrant and eye-catching enticing viewers to watch the video. I may want to use filters to create a unique look on certain scenes of the video, attracting more viewers as the video is more unique and colourful to watch. 
I have also decided that I want to have actors with natural and minimal make-up and casual every-day clothes, this makes the storylines more believable and makes the video more relatable to those who are watching. This will allow me to entice people as they relate to the character as they may dress similarly or look similar. 
I want to film my music video in an exotic location, as I travel a lot this would be simple to do, this may make my video unique as many usually base their videos in local locations, by setting the video in an area like America it would make my video unique and more fun to watch as viewers can see different locations that they may want to travel to. 
I have also decided I want a running theme throughout my video that is linked to problems in today's society, such as bullying, poverty, homelessness. This would allow me to create a story throughout the video, this may entice more viewers to watch it as they want to learn more about the certain issue and some may connect with the story as they may have been or are going through something like it. 
Lastly I may want to use unique camera angles such as first person or use oblique angles in my video to create different perspective and views, making the visuals seem more exciting and intriguing for the viewer, creating more views. 


  1. Great video of all your inspiration ideas! do you think that these videos have helped you create an overall idea of what you want your music video to look like and if so which video has inspired you the most?

    1. Yes definitely! All these videos have really inspired me to and have given me so many ideas that I could take forward, develop and then use within my music video. The one that has inspired me the most is probably Most Girls by Hailee Steinfeld, as I though the video and wardrobe was really creative and conveyed a strong message too.


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