Target Market Music Genre

Genre of Music

I decided to complete some research to allow me to find out more about my target audience and what their preferences and want are for my music video. 
The first piece of research I completed was a PowerPoint, my class was first split into groups and each group selected a different genre of music, my peer and I were given the genre of Pop Music. When completing the PowerPoint presentation we carried out large amount of research to find what Pop music is, what are the main conventions of a Pop music video and other key pieces of information that helped my class mates decide what genre they wanted to complete.  

This are our PowerPoint slides: 

This is my friend and I presenting our PowerPoint:

Each group them presented their presentation on the different music genres, for example: 

Rap music was created by disc jockeys and urban blacks in the 1970s, the continuous beat allowed artist to rapidly rhyme with the use of slang and boastful lyrics. The target audience of this genre of music is 14-25 years of age and the main conventions in the music videos consisted of casual, loose fitted clothes, the camera angles were usually at eye-level as the artist usually spent time looking directly into the camera. 

Country music is a genre that oriented from the Southern area of the United States in the early 1920s. The target market of the genre are usually people who come from the southern area of the United States, where it originates, and listened to both men and women 30+. The conventions of country music and the videos are that they both have a key storyline usually about heartbreak. 
Hip Hop this genre was developed in the USA by African Americans in the 1970s. The main target market of this genre are adults and children ages 11-36. The conventions of the music videos is that they contain bright, eye-catching colours and are usually based in night clubs. 

I decided to create a questionnaire to allow me to understand my target audience and to  find out what they would prefer my music genre of my music video to be, as they will be the ones that are watching the video and I want them to enjoy it. 
My questionnaire was created on Google Docs, this software is a great way to create a questionnaire as it is simple and quick to use, it also allowed me to send the questionnaire out via email. I emailed the questionnaire out to 35 participants and each replied very quickly, this allowed me to create large amounts of data in a short amount of time, this is beach the participants fill out the questionnaire as it is more convenient for them as they are able to fill it out at any time they want. 
The questionnaire also stored all the participant's responses electronically, this meant that all the data was collected in an efficient way and could be seen immediately after the participants submitted the questionnaire, this allowed me to monitor the results until all the response came in. 
Lastly the email allowed me to target a variety of different ages and those who will potential watch my video, so i was able to find out key pieces of information that i will take into consideration when making my music video. 
This is my questionnaire:

Questionnaire Analysis

The first question I asked was the age, I asked this question as I wanted to select participants that would be the main viewers of my video,  this would be ages 16-19. As you can see the majority were this age, suggesting that the genre they selected in the next question is most likely my target audience favourite. 
The next question I asked was 'What is your favourite music genre?' I asked this question to allow me to find out what the most popular music genre is listened by my target market.  As you can see in the charts the most popular genre is 'Pop Music' this suggest to me that when creating my video I should link it to a pop song as this would improve the likelihood that more people may listen and watch the video. 
I didn't ask any other questions as I wanted the questionnaire to be brief as I wanted to receive the key results quickly and this also allowed me not to waste time for the participants completing it.
I also didn't ask the gender as I want my music video to attract both male and female viewer and by finding out the genre of the participants it may result in the questionnaire becoming bias and more one-sided to a certain gender effecting the results. 
To conclude I am very happy with the results that I received as I am a huge fan of Pop music and am very excited to consider this genre within my music video. I like Pop music as many songs are about love or heart ache, which allow me to create the visuals that link with the lyrics and create a story in the video.


  1. Great questionnaire and powerpoint, it really gave me a lot of information about the pop genre. While watching everyone else present their presentation, which powerpoint did you learn the most about and how has this helped you develop your idea for your music video.

    1. I really enjoyed the Rap presentation as I learnt a lot about the genre of music as I really didn't know anything about that genre before!


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