Music Video Draft

Music Video Draft 

This is my draft music video that follows a teenage girl who is being bullied on a daily basis, within the video you will see her immense struggles of bulling and the fight that she has to face every single day. Yet as we flow her on her journey she begins to become empowered by her struggles and face the bully.
My pop music video to attract and empower teenage viewers ages 13 to 18. 

I continually edited my music video on iMovie, more information about my editing process can be found on another blog post. 

Music Video Draft:


I have made many of my peers watch my draft music video and collected a variety of different responses. I got a mixture of different types of feedback, I 
grouped the positive  and negative responses together and took in the feedback. 
Each person that viewed my music video had a lot of positive feedback, this includes Kitty Jones, 17, and Dylan Lawrence, 17, commenting on the professionalism of the special effects make-up that I have used for the bruising in the fight scene, this explains to me that the bruising and cuts look realist, therefore create a realist looking storyline. 
Greg Clarke, 17, said that there was good cinematography and the quality of filming was good as he said that my shots were not shaky.  He also said that the story line and filming suits the pace and vibe of the song, he loved how the pace of the videos sped up to the last chorus to show the build up of tension. He really enjoyed the storyline saying, "it was very realistic and entertaining, the best bit was the ending as it was very empowering!" He also loved the use of the hashtag and support to the anti-bullying schemes.

I then received some negative response from some of peers, these responses were great as it allowed me to see the different opinions of all my peers and will therefore allow me to improve my music video and create a better quality video that can be enjoyed by my target market. 
My first recommendation was from Greg Clarke, 17, he informed me that I need to tighten up the shots at 1.08, this is when the fight scene has just ended, I have reviewed this and will be tightening the edit on the clips so that the clips change to the beat, creating a better transition and making it a better ending for the fight scene. 
My next improvement was from Luisa Humphreys, 17, she noticed at the 2.12 there are two scenery shots of the sun, one is a sunset shot, the other is showing the sun shining over the sea, she suggested to change the order of these shots to suggest a gradual time change, suggesting the movement of time over the day. 

To conclude, from the feedback I have received I will take the suggestions into consideration  and I will be re-watching the draft and make some slight changes in order for the video to be the best quality that it can be. 


  1. So proud of you Lauren, you work is outstanding considering your low budget and all of us being beginners in this field. Well done for taking on board criticism, this will be for the good!

    1. Thank you, yet I though by having a fresh pair of eyes on the video will help me spot problems and sort them before the final video needs to be uploaded.


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