The Website

The Website

I will be creating a website for a record label, that my artist is signed to. The website will feature 2 pages including information about the label, information about the new artist, showing pictures and videos and the main music video too. 

Before creating the website, I decided to look at other record labels websites to get ideas and inspiration for my own website. I looked at three different record labels that all sign artists that sing pop music and screen shot their website layouts: 

Universal Music Group
This is the home page for Universal Music Group, this record label signs stars such as Ariana Grande, Sam Smith, Kendrick Lamar, Shawn Mendes and many others. 
The layout of the website is very simple, on the first main page it  expresses what the label does, their brands and the key news events. 
The website has a side bar allowing viewers to visit their other pages such as the pages about the artist they sign, the use of the side bar allows the website to look clean and slick, creating a neat look about the website. 
The colour scheme of the website is also very simple consisting of mainly black and white but also having small pops of colour on the website too. The simple colour scheme allows the website to look sophisticates and aesthetically pleasing, also making the website look easy to use too. 
The information on the website includes about the artists pages, about the record label, contact information and key news events too. 
The typography of this website is consisting of very bold, large letters to make the information easy to read and attract readers attention.
What I really like about this page is the simplicity of it, the simple colour scheme, the simple layout, making it very easy to use and makes it look really sophisticated too.

Virgin EMI Records
This is the a page from Virgin EMI Records, this label signs starts like Taylor Swift, Lil Yachty, Katy Perry, Migos and many more. 
This website also follows a very simple colour scheme and layout using red and white as the main colours, these are simple yet bright creating a very eye-catching page, that is still simple and aesthetically pleasing. The page also uses a variety of colourful images, that includes all the artist that they have signed. 
The page includes a side bar at the top of the page and the logo to the left, this makes the page easy to navigate and find information on the website. 
The website includes a variety of information such as news about the artist, new releases and all the information about their signed artists.

Island Records
This is the home page of Island records, this record label signs starts such as Catfish and The Bottlemen, DNCE, Drake and Post Malone. 
This is my favourite layout of the three websites, because go the large variety of colours and the the simplicity of the page, the use of bright colours makes the page stand out and is eye-catching  yet the simple side buttons and text allows the page to look colourful yet isn't too much for the viewers eye!
There is a lot of information on the websites including line-ups and gigs artists will be involved in, information about the artists, videos, images, contact information and even a shop! 

The Creation:
There are 2 ways to produce the website, Wix Website Builder and Adobe Dreamweaver, they are very different programs yet both allow me to create a website for the record company. 
I decided to create the website on both programs and see the which has the better outcome to allow me to upload a high quality, aesthetically pleasing and informative website. Using this inspiration I then created a plan that showed what I want the layout of the homepage of the website and the second page of the website to look like, as I will be using 2 different programs to create 2 different websites, I have created 2 different plans. 

Wix Home Page

Wix Second Page

Adobe Dreamweaver Home Page

Adobe Dreamweaver Second Page

then took Mia out on a photoshoot to collect original images that would then feature on the website, we took many photos all in different areas and in different wardrobes to allows us to find the best images that would attract my target market and sell the artist to the viewers of the website. 
Image 1
Image 2

Image 3

Image 4
Image 5
As you can see above we took many images, but I then decided on the best ones to feature on the website. I chose images 4 and 5 as I felt they were the most natural and close up images, so the viewers of the website area able to see the artists face and therefore allow them to recognise her and relate her to the music. 

Wix Website:
Wix was very easy to use as you could use a variety of templates and images that allowed me to create a very professional looking website, you could also upload your own images and videos, allowing me to promote my 'artist' and the material that they have produced. 
The disadvantages to using Wix is that I have some lack of control on what is promoted on my website, as Wix controls what adverts appear, this could repel viewers from my site as the ads may not be age appropriate or may not please the interests of my target market and therefore my target market may not view the site. 
Having said this I did create a very nice website that includes primary images of my 'artist', the music video, behind the scenes video, information about my artist, tour dates of my artist and overall looks professional and I feel will attract my target market. 

As you can see within the header of the page I have included a logo and name of the record company, the logo consist of a red ring and a lightning bolt, this is a clear and simple logo and links to the name of the production company. I chose the name 'Chain Reaction Records' as I felt it linked to the record company as they sign new and small artist, making them big starts, creating a chain reaction. 
Also within the header are buttons that will take you to other pages and my blog, I kept the header of the website simple and clean to create a professional and uncluttered look. 
The colour choice of the logo and header were chosen as they contrast each other making both the colours stand out and be bright, I wanted the page to be bright and colourful as I feel my target market would enjoy the bright eye-catching colours and may attract them to the page. 
Moving down the page there is a large image of my artist 'Talia Thompson', I chose this image as it is very natural, simple and shows the artist in clear view, really promoting the star. I also feel that my target market would be attracted to this photo as the girl is the same age as my target market and therefore would want to find out more about her and therefore read on. By having the same age target market and artist is creates a link between them, making the connection more relatable, creating role models for some. 
Over the image is a large title in the font 'Raleway', I chose this font for all the titles as it is clear and bold, attracting the attention of those who may scroll through the site. The description on all the pages are in the font 'Helvetica Light', I chose this font as it is small, yet still readable and clean, making it easy to skim read for those visiting the page. I didn't write too much for the descriptions under the videos and pictures, as being a teenager myself I know that I tend to stay away from sites that have too much writing on them, so I kept the writing short and sweet as to attract my teenage target market. I included the music video and Behind the scenes video, as they are fun and short to watch, I believe that my target market would enjoy these videos and use the site as they want to understand more about my artist. 
On the second page, the 'about page', this page is all about my artist, the page includes another image of my artist, which is fun and show the artist in full view. The page also includes a small description about my artist, quotes from newspapers and also includes tour dates too. 

Adobe Dreamweaver Website
Adobe Dreamweaver was slightly more complicated to use and I felt created a less professional looking website, yet by using this website it does give me full control of the creation, upload, the removal of adds etc. This ensures that my target market will visit my page as it has been created specifically for them and does not have the interference of other companies getting involved, posting ads, which may repel my target market away from my website. 

I found it very difficult to create the website using this piece of software as I had no experience in this field, I did however try my best in creating the website, yet it does not meet my professional standards. 

First the setting up of the website was very difficult as you has to create many files to allow the website to work, I used a template to make it easier for me to create yet it did limit my creating skills to add more images, colour and text, as I didn't have the skills or knowledge to be able to change these and adapt to suit my target audience. 
I created a header that had my title of my record label and well as titles for each individual section of the website as you scroll down. 

Template for Dreamweaver Website
Files Created for Website
The website included my blog link, a home page, an about page and images of my artist. I included the same logo and header on both of the websites, each with a side bar to allow the user to go to different pages. I included written information about my artist as well.

Dreamweaver Home Page

The overall website that I created on dreamweaver looked unfinished and did not have that quality to it like the Wix Website has. As I want my target audience to watch the video and believe that it is professional, I want to present my video on a website that has that sophicstication, and I feel if I did post it onto my dreamweaver website, there will be less views as they may think the website is low quality and unreliable. 
To conclude, I believe I will be uploading the Wix website, this is because I believe it looks more professional, is colourful and will attract my target market more than the Dreamweaver website, which is lower quality. 

To visit the website:


  1. Your website looks amazing Lauren and so professional! I definitely agree that the Wix website looks a lot better and user friendly, however I'm sure that creating the website on DreamWeaver taught you some new skills as well.

    1. Yes it did teach me a lot of new skills and has allowed me to create such a professional looking website that will attract my target market!


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