

I have decided to create a storyboard, this is a visual representation, that displays pictures and small text to an sequence, this allows others and myself to pre-visualise the music video I will be creating. 

By creating a storyboard it allows me to see if the idea and concept of my video works, to see if the story makes sense and is entertain to other to view, by learning this before I start to film I can edit different scenes, to allow the storyline of the video to flow better.By having a better storyline and flow it may attract more viewers to watch the video, as the visuals were planned better and made sense to the audience. 

The storyboard also allowed me to see my video come to life, this allowed me to show others and get their opinions on the story and how it plays out, by finding this information out I was also able to develop and change my storyline to make it suit my target audience. I did create a few drafts of the storyboard each with different outcomes and scenes, I then got friends of my age group to pick the best story and tell me how to improve the storyline on the videos. My first draft got a few negative options as one scene was too depressing for some views and the up beat song didn't really fit with the sad visuals  so I then change this scene to a more upbeat and action pack fight scene and I got better responses so I decided to go with that storyline instead. 

Lastly by creating this storyboard it will help me in the future when filming, sorting out sets and figuring out what camera angles I should be using, as I can look back at my storyboard and explain to the cast and crew what the video is about, what scene we are filming and where it will be filmed. This makes time explaining the video to other much easier as i have created a visual aid, allowing other to envision what i want to create. 

It was hard to create a storyboard as I had many ideas that I wanted to put in the video yet didn't know the sequence or if the ideas would suit the storyline, so I decided to create a small mind-map collecting all my ideas and thoughts to allow me to put them in a sequence and help me create the final storyboard. 

Include image of list: 

Idea Mindmap
I had a few ideas, the first was to include title scene listing the name of the song and the artist, this makes it clear to the viewers what they are liserning to. I then had ideas to include shots of the island, this entices those to view the video as it is a unique area and exotic location, which viewers may want to go to, by including scenery shots it also sets the scene and location. 
I had ideas to then show fear by the victim hiding from the bully, this shows that the girl is scared and suggest to the viewers that the bullying has effected her mentally. I also want to include a fight scene and injuries to show what physical bullying is like, to show the toll it has on younger people. 
This is one of my favourite ideas, I imagine the girl with her injuries looking at her reflection, more injuries flash on her face, to suggest more bullying has occured, implying to the audience that this bullying has been happening for a while. I then imagine black, thick, angry word to slowly appear on the screen covering her face, the rate of the word appearing increase until the whole screen is covered i then want her to wipe the screen rubbing some words away. This suggest to the audience that no one sees her for herself anymore, but the words people use to describe her, leaving her alone and helpless, yet by wiping some of the words away it suggest that she still has the slightest amount of power. 
I also had an idea where she hallucinate the bully, the bully appears and then quickly disappears, aging suggesting the fear she has that the bully is around every corner. 
Finally I want to have a self reflection scene where she sees herself, picks herself off and holds her head up high, this scene then moves to where she could stand up to the bullies, she therefore has her power and strength back. 

Using these ideas I then created a storyboard:

As you can see the storyboards follow the journey of a girl who is bullied by another girl, she is abused and become very sad and lonely, yet in a moment of reflection she sees that she is strong and a confident person. This power allows her to stand up the the bullies and due to this she is no longer bullied anymore. 
I wanted this to be the story of my video as from the beginning i wanted my story to have a meaning, this video is empowering and light hearted, yet still has a strong message behind it. 
Not only that but I selected a song that was sassy and fun, this storyline really matches with the lyrics of the song, this was key for my video, as i wanted the visuals and song to match up with each other. 

Here are some responses I got from members of my target market: 

"I really like the concept of the video as it isn't too sad and depressing but still deals with the issue of bullying." 

 -Luisa Humphreys, 17 

"I like this storyboard as I like the idea of the empowering moment of standing up to the bully! The storyboard is very clear and is extremely easy to follow" - Mia Agar-Rea, 16

"I'm not sure if I like the concept of the storyboard, as it does deal with some tough issues"  -Anna Rose, 14 

"I love this! You have really thought about how to deal with such a hard issue, yet keep the video light hearted and fun." - Lauren Smith, 13

"I don't really like the concept of video and I think the bullying issue may be to hard to show to others who have been through it. " - Charlie Lane, 15

Overall those apart of my target market really enjoyed the concept of my video, as they like my storyboard as it was simple and colourful and they liked the concept of my video as they enjoyed the entertaining and meaningful story of the girl who overcomes her fears and stands up to the bully. 
I did receive some negative comments as they though that the video was very hard to deal with and could cause some controversy, as the story is about a very sensitive topic, so I will need to ensure that I create the video and deal with it in a very sensitive way. 

To conclude, I am really excited to make my video and to make my storyboard come to life! I love my story and members of my target market also enjoy the story too, I am glad that I have create story that is about a meaningful topic like bullying. 


  1. Your music video is really taking shape, I'm so proud of how far it has come. Your storyline is so well thought out and I really admire how you are open to criticism and take other's opinions on board because if you listen to your target market they will enjoy the video even more! I'm so excited to see the final outcome seeing as you have put so much work in.

    1. Thank you so much! I am also very excited to see the end result!


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