
Casting for Main Roles 

As I am making my pop music video I will need to hire actors that can take on the roles and preform within the video. To do this I have completed many activities that will lead me to find my actors.

I first created a Facebook event, that allowed me to let my 'Facebook Friends’ to learn about the auditions that are being held, those who were interested could also find an application form that they can then fill out and email to me. This application form allowed me to find out information about all actors who were interested in the role, to see whether or not they would fit the image of each character and preform the role effectively.

My Facebook Event 

This is what the users of Facebook could see, as you can see it has the date of the audition, allowing all the viewers to see when the audition is being held, this ensures that all those who are interested in the different roles can keep this date free and so can attend the audition.  It also has the time of the event and the location on there, this is to again allow those interested to be free during this time so that they are able to attend an audition.

I also included a image of a crowd from a music concert, this links to the theme of music and entices those to look at the event as it is an interesting and attractive picture. This image will increase the chance of those viewing the events and therefore increase the amount of people who apply for the roles.
Message to readers
I also included a little message to the readers of the page to allow them to understand a little bit more on what the audition is about, as you can see I included the age and gender that is needed to play the roles of the actors, this is to ensure that the music video and the actors attract my target market, by having younger actors the story becomes more relatable, enticing more to view the video.

Within the message I included the next steps for those who are interested- the filling out of the application form- and an email, so that they may ask any questions and email the application forms over to me, so that i can view them and send a message across to those who are suitable for each of the roles.
Message containing link to application form 

I also created another message that held a link to the application forms, this tells the applicants what they must do with the application form.  I created this message to make sure those who fill the application forms out handle the process correctly, so that the application forms are received by myself.

Application form 

This is an example of the application form that was emailed to me by one of the applicants, due to privacy policies I have blurred out their personal information. As you can see I ask about their age and name to allow me to know their personal details, I also asked their contact information so that I would be able to get in contact with them to inform them if they get through to the audition processes. I also asked them question on their appearances so that i could understand what they look like to see if they suit the character profile of my characters.
I also allowed them to see tick the different character they want to audition for, as well as providing a extra section to allow them to ask any questions or write anything about themselves.
This allows me to understand each of the applicants and get to know them before the auditions.

I also created a poster, to allow me to attract even more of the public whom may be interested in the opportunity.  This poster has been posted around my area as well as on my Instagram page, allowing me to find local actors in the area.

As you can see the poster I have created has a theme of videoing with the use of the effective header, allowing actors who see the poster to be immediately attracted to it. I have also used the colour scheme of black, white and yellow, this is an eye-catching mix of colours, which allows local people in the area and the followers on my social media to see the poster and read the content, as it is eye-catching and unique.

I decided to put up the poster in the local area, as this will allow me to find local people that may be interested in the role, by posting it on my social media, it allows friends and family members to see the opportunity, this increases the possibility of more actors applying for the role, I also used social media as I want to have a young actor within my video to relate to the target market, so I decided that social media platforms was the best way to attract younger actors, as social media is malignly used by the younger generation.

Within the poster I have included a large clear title, this attracts the public to read the poster, I also included small subtitles with additional information, I was brief with the information as I didn't want the poster to be too word based, as this would spoil the look of the poster and lead to less people reading it as the words may make the poster look boring.

I included information such as the dates of the auditions to allow those who are interested to make time for them, what the audition was on to ensure that the readers of the material understood what they may have to do, who could audition, as I want to use teenage girls to attract the target market and also my email to allow those who are interested to ask any questions or email their portfolios so i could view them ready for the auditions.

After all of this I received many application forms and did select 8 of those who applied as i believed they were best for the role. I emailed them to tell them the excellent news and confirm the date and times of their auditions.

After each of the 8 confirmed that they were free and ready for the audition I created a timetable for each of the finalist.
Audition Timetable
Within this timetable it includes the name of each of the applicants as well as their time slots, each of the applicant has 30 minuets to preform and show me their skills, ask any questions and for me to see each of the applicants and find out if they are suitable for their roles.

After I viewed each of the applicants, asked different questions and saw their skills, I finally found the final two that would be my final characters within the music video.

Beth Imrie who is 15 years old will be the antagonist, I selected her as she was very confident and easy to get along with, this is good as it may make production and filming to be comfortable and fun to do. She also fit the character profile as she is tall and very similar to my chosen protagonist, I wanted them to be similar to suggest a completion or jealous nature of their relationship. During her audition process she performed very well and acted the part extremely well! I really enjoyed watching her as she was very engaging and interactive, meaning that when she performs in the video she will entice views to watch.

Even though she is younger then my protagonist she does look much older, this again suggests that she is more powerful and stronger then my selected protagonist fitting the character profile.

Mia Agar-Rea who is 17-year-old will be the protagonist, I selected her as she was one of the best auditions, she was extremely comfortable acting in front of the camera and took my guidance to heart, i felt that she would be a great choice as she really got into character and enjoyed the audition. She was also very photogenic, meaning she looks great in front of the camera, she wants awkward and she seemed to enjoy acting, the would make her great during the production process.

I also selected her as she fit the character profile, she is very small and could easily act the vulnerable victim as a character, this allows her to get in the role very easily and also her petit frame allow her to perform stunts e.g. being thrown around by bully. The antagonist, Beth, is also slightly taller than Mia allowing her to tower over her and act as the bully, not only that they are also very similar meaning there could be a theme of jealousy and competitiveness, leading to the bullying to occur.

Mia has also had experience in the past, as she has featured in smaller school projects involving her to be an actor. This means that she would be used to strict instructions and professionalism.

To conclude, this process was extremely easy and fun to do and lead to me choosing my selected actors. This process was so helpful as I had no idea who I would use to feature in the video, when I saw the chosen two preforming the video came alive, as I had envisaged during the process.


  1. Lauren this is amazing you have done such a thorough and critical audition process and have gone to great lengths to find the right actors. You seem to be treating applicants with alot of respect by giving them all a fair chance and watching their auditions.
    Your poster is also brilliant and looks very engaging, it almost makes me want to audition!

    What kind of things did you get the applicants to do in their audition?

    1. Thank you! Each of the applicants had 30 minutes, I asked them so questions such as "have you had any other experience?", "What made you want to audition?" and "Why did you select that part?". They also had to read a few line of a script that I prepared and complete different actions such as smile, cry and walk around the room. This was to see if they could complete actions to convey their emotions, allowing me to see if they are suited ti the roles.


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