Music Video Narrative

Music Video Narrative

I have always wanted to create a music video that has a narrative that was about a social issue in todays society,  but unfortunately there are so many issues in the world, so I have decided to focus the story line to intrigue and empower my audience of teenagers. (13-18)

I decided to complete some research to find out what issues teenagers face on a day to day bases, while conducting my research I found out that many children in the UK are effected by bullying.

Here are some statistics that I collected when completing my research: 

  • There were over 24,000 ChildLine counselling sessions with children about bullying in 2016/2017
  • Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year
  • By age 14 less than 30% of boys and 40% of girls will talk to their peers about bullying
  • 45% of young people experience bullying before the age of 18 
  • 36%  of young people aged 8 to 22 are worried about being bullied at school, college or university
  • 83% of young people say bullying has a negative impact on their self-esteem 
  • 30% of young people have gone on to self-harm as a result of bullying 
  • Those who have been bullied are more than twice as likely to have difficulty in keeping a job, or committing to saving compared to those not involved in bullying
As you can see bullying is a huge issue in teenagers lives, so I have decided to create a video with the narrative of bullying. I want to create a video about a young teenage girl/boy who are being bullied by someone that they know, in the being of the video he or she will be small, weak and unable to fight back, but by talking to someone and finding support, she is able to fight back and not let anything stand in her way of her happiness and her life. 
As the narrative is very motivational, I have decided to use the song Don't Kill My Vibe by Sigrid as the song has a very positive vibe and an uplifting message, therefore connecting with the visuals (this will be explained in detail in the next post). 

This narrative meets my chosen genre as most pop music videos tends to follow a story which is what I will be doing. I will also be using conventions that are used in pop music videos such as bright lighting, certain camera angles and props that are expensive (iPhone). 

It also suits my target market because as they are teenagers and may have been through similar experiences or even may know someone who is effected by this issue, this will entice my target audience as they want to see peoples stories as well as listen to a motivational song, to allow them to become more confident, stronger and allow those who are watching to feel empowered and may seek advice and support. 

I also complete more research to see if my idea would be successful within my target market, to do this I asked 4 students of my age range.

As you can see from the pie chart, most of the students who I asked enjoyed the narrative of my video, here are some responses of the students and what they thought. 

"I love the idea, its so uplifting and empowering. I would definitely watch this video and it really gets the word out about the issues teens are facing!" - Greg Clarke, 17

"I know some people who have been effected by this issue, so I like the idea of getting the word out that people can gain their self esteem back and grow more powerful." Anna Ross, 15

"I like the idea but it may become to depressing at times so I suggest you keep the video slightly light hearted and focus more on the empowerment then the bullying side of the story" - Mia Agar-Rea, 16

"I wouldn't really watch the video as pop music isn't really what I listen to, but I think the video is very creative and will entice people to watch it." - Charlie Smith, 14

To conclude, I think this would be a great narrative as it links to my genre and target audience and so would entice people to watch the video, as well as getting the word out about the serious issue teenagers are facing. 


  1. Your ideas are very clear and your research into the issue of bullying is in great depth!
    What challenges do you think you might face with this specific narrative of bullying?

    1. Thank you! It is quite a sensitive topic so I will need to ensure that the audience feel touched by the storyline however I do not want to make it too upsetting in that people do not feel comfortable watching it.


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