Filming Preparations

Filming Preparations 

Before I begin the filming processes of my music video, I need to contact a large number of different Anna Maria Island residents and landowners to receive their permission to film on the different sets that I have based my film around. 
When researching about the area I found out a variety of different rules that I must follow when filming out in the States. 

This must be done to ensure that I, as the directer and producer of the film, am not breaking any laws or regulations when filming on the different sets, to ensure that I am not breaking the law I will contact the owners and also complete my own research about the areas to find out the laws they have about filming. 
If this research was not completed my team and I could get into serious trouble and it also would mean that my film would be take down off the internet, therefore no one would view the video and all this work that I have completed would be a waste. 

First, as I mentioned in my risk assessment, in certain areas i will be putting up signage to indicate to the public I am filming in the areas. There are a variety of rules I must follow when creating these signs and putting them up in the area. 
Sign Regulations 
I will need to ensure that I follow these rules to ensure that I don't disturb anyone in the area and don't cause any issues that could lead to delays in filming, or even disturb the editing and filming schedules that I have created. 
As if problems do occur I will need to spend more time fixing the issues and therefore dealing the filming schedule, resulting in less time to film and edit, leading to a poor quality music video to be created. 

I also found out information about filming in the public area on Anna Maria Island, as they are on to the public, there are little laws and regulations on filming. 
Filming Regulations in Public Areas

As you can see I will just need to ensure that whilst filming, I don't cause any issues for other members of the public, this should be easy as we are a small production crew, making it easier to handle and so less likely to cause any trouble. 

If we where a larger crew, we would have had to filled out a film permit, this is a document issues by the local government to allow filming of a motion picture in the different areas. These are issued to production crews, after they have applied for the permit, whilst applying they have to state details about the locations, dates and times of filming, as well as the equipment being used, personnel, special effects, actions and stunts that may appear in the film. 

After I completed this research I then contacted the owners of the different areas that I will be filming in. 
First, I emailed DIPs Ice Cream Parlour, this is a local ice cream shop on the island which has a decking area attached to the the area, this is where I want to film. I contacted Vic Mattay, the owner of the shop to see if I could film in the area. 

My Email To DIPs

He soon replied to my email and was happy to let me use this area. I have had a meeting with Vic and he informed me that I just have to ensure that I do not block the entrance and exits to the store, and don't effect the customers who are coming to visit the area. 
This will be very easy to do as I have little equipment and am hoping to not take long on the shots that involve the area at DIPs. 

DIPs Reply 

I am a resident of Villa Rosa, so I can easily film in the area, however I did have to email the other residents of the area to make sure that it was fine to film on the street front of the houses, most of the residents replied.

Reply From Residents

 As you can see they where happy for me to complete my media course work, yet some residents did have an issue with getting their house or address in the film, so I will need to ensure that those who didn't want their houses within the shots, are not in the shots that I use within my final piece. 

I also emailed the owner of the Sunshine Plaza, I want to use the outside area and benches and sent a simple email asking for permission. 
They replied after a short while, and said that they would be happy to let me film in the area, as it is a very small crew and so won't disturb any other members of the public. I do need to check in to and talk to the owner the day before I film in the area, just to ensure that there are no other issues and that the area is safe to film in.

Reply From Sunshine Plaza

I didn't have to email the landowners of Anna Maria Island Beaches, as these are public areas, so there are no laws or regulations that stop me filming on the area, I just have to ensure that I do not block the beaches and effect any other visitors on the beaches. This is easy to do as it is usually quiet so the area will be very easy to film on and not effect anyone else who intends to visit the beaches. 
Pine avenue is also a public area, so again their are no rules about filming, yet from the research I just have to ensure that I don't block any walkways  entrances or exits of shop fronts, this will be simple to do as I don't have a lot of equipment or cast members, so can easily move the team elsewhere, if any issues do occur. 
The pier is also a public area, to film on this area i just have to follow the rule of not obstructing any exits, as well as this I need to ensure that our equipment and actors do not affect the safety of the others occupying the area of the pier. 

To conclude, I am now ready to film my music video and am glad that I got the support of locals in the area to complete my film. 


  1. You have worked very hard in order for you to keep safe whilst filming as well as not breaking any rules that you may not have been aware of previously. What would you do if a stranger walked into the shot by accident and didn't want to be in the video?

    1. Thank you so much! Hopefully that problem won't occur as I will have people stopping the public walking on set and signs up in the area too. Yet if it does happen then I will politely ask the person to get out of the shot and then reshoot it.


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